Thursday, January 8, 2015

We are all Charlie Hebdo from blog by Sean Martin

I knew the work of three of the cartoonists killed today in Paris, and I just cant fathom the idea that they’re now gone, taken away by a bunch of spineless little children (and I say that with all due respect to children) who seem to think that every problem can be solved by killing it. Unbelievable. Last I heard, the police had possible suspects for this. If indeed they prove to be the three behind this, and if indeed they are sentenced to death in a court of law, I dont want them to die easily in something simple and comfortable like an electric chair or lethal injection. No, I propose something far more fitting. All three would be tied to posts, and any cartoonist in the world would be welcome to come help execute them with ten thousand cuts of a pen. Let them endure this slowly and painfully so they and their fellow “devotés of the faith” can feel the slow, agonizing death they have inflicted on others. And I would make it abundantly clear that this is the fate for any religious maniac, no matter what faith he (since they are usually men, true?) holds. Christian, Islamic, Jewish — if you seek the death of others for not going along with your particular brand of “belief”, then I suggest you experience it yourself so you can indeed know, first hand, what you’re doling out to others. Yes, I am angry right now. I am angry that world politics on all sides moved things in such directions that tragedies like today’s murders seem almost inevitable — and therefore excusable. No, it is not the first time people have died because of religious extremists, and it certainly will not be the last. But maybe, maybe, we can stem this flood of bloodshed by cornering those who would act this way and letting them know, in no uncertain terms, that this is not acceptable. That if they wish to die for the purity of their faith, perhaps we should arrange that for them. That they would do well to remember that faith is a personal, private issue between you and Whatever Higher Power you ascribe to — but it is not an issue for you to decide for others. The cartoon will continue later tonight. To my handful of readers, thank you for letting me vent a little on this.

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