Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Christianity should discard sexophobia and homophobia if it is to survive
I guess I’ll always be somewhat devoted, if not to the Church, the Christian religion, the Christian dogmas and myths, to the message of Love, acceptance and charity allegedly teached by an hebrew Rabbi in the first years of Christian Era. A message that was alas unheeded by many who proclaimed and proclaim to be “Christians”.
An Emperor endorsement is what it took to turn a religion relatively good in an instrument of power and persecution. Of dissenters, heretics, people of other religins (Hebrews expecially) an homosexuals.
Now that i abandoned all religion, I recognize nevertheless that there are many, many people for whom religion is a consolation, comforting them somewhat of the most unpleasant aspects of life and realiy. Many of them are nice, decent people. A screaming, fanatic minority are inhuman, bigoted fanatics, willing to impose their bigotry to all. Now, this minority is outraged at the tought that homosexuailty is not wieved to be sinful, perveted or abnormal, That homosexuals have a ight to be accepted with equal rights and dignity in the society, and can marry and adopt children like heterosexual people. It’s a civil progress, it’s expanding human rights. Bigoted hypocrites scream that this undermines their “religious freedom”, that their religion is being denied by those who affirm marriage equality and equal dignity to GLBT people. Thei menace civil disobedience, and even vilenmce, like the archbishobp of Paris.
I affirm strongly that Christianity needs not be homophobic, that it should embrace LGBT people liker brother in Jesus,and recognize they deserve equal dignity and rigts. Bigotry, homophobic hate and discrimination are NOT Christian values.
I am Christian and believe in Equal rights for LGBT oeople. Christianity should discard homophobia, if it is to survive!
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