Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Hate Group Weighs Boycott of Google Over "Legalize Love" Campaign, from the blog of Michael in norfolk
The lunatic and registered haters at the American Hate Family Association are besides themselves with Google. Why? Because Google has launched a world wide Legalize Love campaign to “to decriminalize homosexuality and eliminate homophobia around the world.” Google describes the mindset as follows: Though our business and employees are located in offices around the world, our policies on non-discrimination are universal throughout Google. We are proud to be recognised as a leader in LGBT inclusion efforts—but there’s still a long way to go. At Google, we encourage people to bring their whole selves to work. In our more than 70 offices around the world, we’re committed to cultivating a work environment where Googlers can be themselves and thrive. Legalise Love is our drive to ensure that all of our employees have the same inclusive experience outside of the office as they do at work. We’re always looking for ways to educate the broader community about LGBT rights and inclusion, through seminars, trainings and conferences hosted at Google. As part of the World Pride celebration in London this year, we brought 100 guests from LGBT advocacy groups, employee networks and diversity organizations to our office in London for the first ever Google Legalise Love Conference. Our goal was to start a debate about creating an inclusive workplace for LGBT employees around the world. As I said, this has caused the spittle to fly at AFA. Not surprisingly, the fools at AFA haven't thought through the reality that a boycott of Google - and Microsoft which has endorsed same sex marriage - would largely wipe the organization and its hate filled followers off of the Internet - something which candidly would be a good thing. Right Wing Watch looks at this latest batshitery from AFA: Google announced a new international campaign called Legalize Love “to decriminalize homosexuality and eliminate homophobia around the world,” and of course, the American Family Association is now weighing a boycott of Google products since the organization is already “boycotting efforts similar to this with other businesses,” like Home Depot and Oreo cookies. Buster Wilson, the general manager of the AFA’s radio network, said on AFA Today that a Google boycott “is going to be a hard one for a lot of us” but will “test the meat of our convictions.” A really rotten meat, full of hate worms
So let them boycott... At the rate tolerance is progressing, they will have very limited options in food choices, fashion clothing, and will be left with smoke signals and pigeon carriers as their primary source of communication! Since I do not hate, I'll just wish them "Good Luck with that!!!"