Sunday, March 11, 2012

Annoying trends in Graphic novels

-Prequelitis: prequels are boring, and suspenseful as yesterday's newspaper. We ALL know what's going to happen, so what's the point? GO FORWARD!

-Zombielitis: What's so great with zombies and walking dead? We want something to cheer, amuse and entertain us, not revolt us!

-Gore-violencelitis: graphic novel with explosions, violence,gore and abuse. It's supposed to be entertaining? We want adventure, and, yes, a bit of NOT SADISTIC sex (homo or hetero) will be welcome. But stop with those gorefests!

-Depressolitis-wankolitis. An example:Joe Matt's protagonist in Spent is a wanker porn addict who treats women horribly and constantly whines he can't get laid!
Well, I suppose some people aren't mentally equipped for auto-analysis. But why we should read about them, for the Spagetti Monster's sake?

-Bastardolituis: Why are so frequently protagonists of graphics novels selfish, gritty unlovable jerks?

Exceptions from all that that I love; Saga by Staples-Vaughan, Love Addict by Koren Shadmi, Jeff Smith's BONE,Freakangels and Planetary by Warren Ellis, Trillo-Meglia Cybersix, Leo's Aldebaran, Moebius' Incal, Dupuy-Berberian GET A LIFE (hey? Joe Matt? That's for you!) and Tim Fish's Cavalcade of boys. Read these!

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