Friday, August 5, 2011

Request for United Nations Intervention In Somalia

View Current Signatures - Sign the Petition

To: United Nations

Knowing the following to be true:
The rise of piracy in the Somali Exclusive Economic Zone was a direct result of illegal fishing in the area by neighboring countries, including but not limited to Ukraine, Taiwan, and China;
The Somali Transitional Government is unable to effectively govern it's people and/or protect it's interests;
The amount of Piracy in and around Somalia's EEZ has reached a level which is capable of threatening the global economy;
The United States has demonstrated an interest in terrorist organizations in Somalia, including Al-Quaeda;

We, the signers of this petition believe that the following actions should be taken:
A Coalition force should be assigned to protect the legitimate Somali interests in it's EEZ.
Coalition forces should effectively combat and act to aggressively pursue any suspected pirates in the area, end their operations, and bring them to trial in accordance with previous U.N. sanctions
Coalition forces should be assigned to protect Somalia's Transitional Federal Government and it's interests, including but not limited to establishing this government as the sole governing body in Somalia
Until such a time as Somalia and it's interests are under the effective regulation and protection of a centralized government, these U.N. forces should remain in Somalia, acting in the best interests of it's governing body.


The undersigned

Go to the site, and sign the petition!

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