Monday, August 29, 2011

Dear humanist and peace loving muslim people, start blaming Al Qaeda for Islamophobia

Soon it will be 9/11 ten years anniversary. A sombre recurrence. Murderers of the Fundamental Islamic organization of al Qaeda struck with heinous savagery the heart of USA- and Humanity- killing thousands of innocent people.Those who talk of "Islamophobia" in the Usa - and in the world, see criminal mass murders by Islamic fundamentalists in Bali, London, Mumbai, Nigeria, Philippines, Madrid, Cairo, Sharm, should maybe try and consider if, hypotetically, the rise of islamophobia COULD be linked to these hate crimes against humanity, and even if Islamophobia MAY be linked to persecution of women,dissisdent, homosexuals in islamic theocracies. If humanist and peace loving islamic people should CONDEMN and disown crimes agaist humanity committed in the name of fundamentalist Islam, generalized prejudice agaist islamic people could be better fought.

Otherwise, it's like thirties' German people lamenting on "germanohobia" from Hebrews part.

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