Monday, July 4, 2011

The Bizarre Moral Universe of the Haters at NOM

By the blog of Michael in Norfolk

I do not hide the fact that I have a lot of loathing for the self-enriching bigots and political whores at the National Organization for Marriage and their allies in what I call the "professional Christian" set. These parasites are raking in nice six figure incomes and overseeing millions of dollars of spending aimed solely at keep discrimination against other citizens writ large in the nation's civil laws even as many thousands - no, more likely millions - of children are starving around the world and all kinds of humanitarian endeavors would be better recipients of all of that money being thrown around by NOM. I have long believed that antipathy and animus towards gays and same sex marriage says far more about our opponents than it does about supposed LGBT immorality. If any one is immoral, its the haters and Christianists who make a living manufacturing and disseminating hatred towards others. Because of the folks at NOM, and those like Tony Perkins, Rick Warren and Pope Benedict XVI, I no longer even like to describe myself as Christian. I still honor Christ's Gospel message - I simply have no desire to be in the company of such modern day Pharisees.
Interestingly, the recent vote in the New York State Senate gives us yet another glimpse of the morally upside down world of NOM. As Pam Spaulding reports, Rich Murray, an activist with Queer Rising, happened to be in the galley of the New York Senate during the vote for marriage equality and caught a photo of Bryan Brown weeping after marriage equality won passage. I'm sorry, but in my opinion, the man is seriously sick in a mental health way. Allowing same sex couples to have civil law marriage in absolutely no way impinges one iota on Brown's civil rights or his right to belief whatever religious based bullshit he wants. Yet he's weeping over the fact that now others in New York State will no longer be second or third class citizens and will be able to have both more security in their relationships and for their families. It is truly sick and it's immoral in my view. Had Brown lived 150 years ago, would he have been weeping over the coming end of slavery? Sadly, I suspect that the answer is yes. Brown and those like him seem only capable of accepting themselves when they have someone else to look down upon and point to as their legal inferiors.
Pam had these words on Brown: Don't you just feel awful? The gay and lesbian people of New York were just put on legal parity with Brown. What an awful day for him.
One comment on Pam's post may also have been on the mark: Brian Brown is only weeping over the fact that his porky ass is going to have to find another line of work very soon. I hope the lying bastard rots in an unemployment line for a very long time.

Cry,vermin, cry. Wat a waste those Nom are!

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