Monday, May 2, 2011

Modernity: I'm all for it

I'll bet: the armies of the night, the haters of modernity does not rejoice at the end of Bin
Anti-modernist counted on that fiend to sweep away the hated (by them) modernity.

Religious fundamentalists, nostalgic fascists who yearn for the apocalyptic end of the world
cultural relativists who admire the "values" of the religions that hang homosexuals and
stone and oppress women.. Those who want to return to the Middle Ages dreaming of a role
of directors to the dictator, who will reward them with privileges denied to ordinary mortals.
Anti-modernist as so called christian Right, friends of Gingrich, Palin, gay haters and deniers of the separation between Church and State.

These anti-modernist take advantage of all the comforts of the modern world, and if they get sick
I doubt seriously that they'll recur to a holy man or rely on the power of
prayers: I think that they'll use the most advanced discoveries of modern medicine, as
Mother Teresa did. They take advantage of of the Web to spread their word obscurantist
enemy of human rights, but call upon those rights whenever they consider that their right to
spread obscurantism, homophobia and anti-scientism is disputed ... and call simple criticism persecution.

I have no sympathy for the anti-modernist, people who bite the hand that feeds them, and that will probably be
licking her feet kicking them should their dire predictions ever come true.

Modernity is not perfect, but the anti-modernist world is much worse.

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