Friday, March 11, 2011

Exposing the "Ex-Gay" Myth - Exodus Head Admits It Isn't True

from the blog of Michael in Norfolk

Yesterday I vented at the idiocy - and underwriting of bigotry - of Apple allowing iPhone and iPad applications for Exodus International. That Christian Right funded organization that deliberately spreads the lie for political purposes (and, of course, the money they shake down from desperate parents and individuals). Well interestingly enough - although it's no real surprise to anyone who has followed the utterly fraudulent "ex-gay" ministries for any period of time - the head of Exodus International has apparently admitted that despite the propaganda he puts out, he's still gay. Lisa Ling, of the Oprah Network, went on the The View yesterday and said that the head of Exodus International, the supposed "ex-gay" ministry that pretends to believe that you can "pray away the gay," admitted to her that even he hasn't changed his sexual orientation. Yep, it's all a lie. A deadly and deliberately deceptive lie. Here some highlights from the clip set out below:
LISA LING: The truth of the matter is that he, and people who are part of the Exodus movement - we spent a lot of time with them, got exclusive access into the Exodus movement - they say that you can't completely turn it off, you can't change your sexual orientation. But you can try to live a life according to what the Bible says, with help.
BARBARA WALTERS: You talked to a great many people, as you say all around the country.
Do you think it is possible to change your sexuality, is that what you've come to as a conclusion.
LISA LING: Even the head of Exodus says he doesn't believe you can change your sexual orientation. He says that he constantly has to fight his attraction for men.
And what about the straight spouses who get caught up in marriages (marriages that are doomed to fail) with those trying to convince themselves that they are no longer gay? They apparently do not matter to the Christo-fascists who back these programs who apparently view their wrecked lives as acceptable collateral damage in the war to denigrate and marginalize LGBT individuals. These people make the nastiest prostitute look virtuous.

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