Thursday, October 14, 2010


Defense of Marriage:LIE! Those at DOMA aren't "defending" hetero marriage, which is wholly unaffectedby the eventuality of gay marriage: they are only defending they own bloody, stinky prejudices!

Focus on the family: LIE! if they really would help families in need, why they don't concentrate ei caring and economic propblems,instead on wasting time denouncing gay couples and families, whose existence is no harm for hetero couples and families? And why discriminating?
Religious freedom: LIE!Those anti-gays who babble of religious freedom aren't at all concerned with Christian persecutions in mani islamic countries, but they are only defending their supposed right to slander and discriminate GLBT people imposing their point of view to all those who don't agree!!

"THE BIBLE" as "THE GOOD BOOK" :LIE! The Bible is made up of many contradictory books written by ancient peoples thousands of years ago, in a totally different historical and social milieu.far from being good, many books of the bible foster discrimination and hatred, and should be declared NULL AND VOID! There should be a statute of limitation for the torajh and saint Paul!
The only basis for morals should be the DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHT!

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