Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Beware of internet dating. guide to websurfers

 If The picture shows a person impossibly perfect in an alluring pose it's a photo taken from internet- actually the real person might look like Donald Trump or Kim Davis
And  let's face it: if the goal is to meet, what use lying like a politician on the electoral campaign? You'll end up looking like a not too bright liar.

Phrases and expressions what they say and what they could mean:

1) I'm a top but versatile- I am a bottom
2) I am looking for sincere friendship and possible relationship-I am in search of someone to plunder

3) Looking young - I passed forty

4) I am in search of true love- I am a sexual predator

5) A little stout, but agile- Like Nero Wolfe

6) Inside I am still a lad - I'm fifty with Peter Pan syndrome

7) Ecologist, I love nature- I live in an isolate villa in the country and I don't drive

8) A bit shy, I'll appreciate discretion - I'm married, and no one should ever know anything about us.

9) I am single  and searching a person like myself for a little company-I am a serial killer
10) No fats, no fem (etc) : I'm a jerk with delusions of perfection

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