Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Religion is not great!

"Also, religion has lost credibility…as a result of it’s failure to provide one shred of credible, independently verifiable evidence…in support of it’s claims of it’s deity or the supernatural…and…they’re all blatant hypocrites…and conceal pedophiles in their midst…and don’t get me started on their oppression of minorities…and women…deceitfully proclaiming love and peace and goodwill toward all…while promoting a book advocating genocide, and murder, and conflict, and rape and pillage and the vilest immorality…!"

Why should religion deserve tax exemptions, legislative favour, credibility and  respect more than art or science? Why discrimination, racism, homophobia, hatemongering, corruption, genocides, killings, be somewhat excused because they're done in the name of religion? Religion is a human construct and invention, no  more holy, moral and noble than, say, political ideologies of philosophies. If humanity has to grow, we should strip down religion of all its undeserved, overly abused privileges. Religion should respect human rights and civil law, and clergy should not be given more respect and crrdence than they deserve. And if they abuse children, they should be tried and sent to jail if proven guilty, along with prelates who covered their crimes

Religion should be kept a private thing, and should be not allowed to impose its prejudices on others.

Religion is not great. It is one of the most dangerous  human inventions, for the control it has on people
and for the corruption of power it engenders when religion become organized.
Religion is not all evil,of course, but evilness finds many uses for it.

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