Tuesday, February 12, 2013

God’s reaction to the Pope’s resignation: a bolt from the blue, from The Freethinker's blog

http://freethinker.co.uk/2013/02/12/gods-reaction-to-the-popes-resignation-a-bolt-from-the-blue/ COINCIDING with the news that lightning struck St Peter’s Basilica on the same day that Pope Benedict announced he would be stepping down, come ten good reasons from Irish atheist Michael Nugent to be pleased that Ratzinger is resigning. Here they are: • He has international political influence through the Vatican • His Vatican works with Islamic States to oppose gay rights • He blames atheism for Nazi Germany and lack of virtue • His Catholic Church claims that atheists are not fully human • He protects the Vatican ahead of child sex abuse victims • He blames secularisation for priests raping children • His Vatican compares child sex abuse with ordaining women • He offered free plenary indulgences to Lourdes pilgrims • He is skeptical that there were donkeys in the crib • He silences priests who want a more democratic church Nugent expands on them in a very good post. Meanwhile, the sycophantic arse-lickers – including British Prime Minister David Cameron – are multiplying at a sickening pace. Said Cameron: He has worked tirelessly to strengthen Britain’s relations with the Holy See. And that’s a good thing, being in cahoots with a vile dictatorship that ought not to have any legitimacy in a civilised world!? He added: His visit to Britain in 2010 is remembered with great respect and affection. He will be missed as a spiritual leader to millions. And the Anglican Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, said: With the news that Pope Benedict XVI will resign at the end of February, the Christian world will miss a great theologian with great spiritual depth.

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