Wednesday, November 7, 2012

The reasons why Romney lost: lies, bigotry and hypocrisy

1) Romney repeated McCain error: nominated a right-wing extremist as his VP, and thus fell hostage of the rabid bigotry of the Tea Party, people who purport to speak for the "true americans" but speak only for their prejudices and their homophobic, anti women rights and anti-scientific ignorance 2) Romney told too many lies, and hironically, the moment when he told the truth was when he made his true ideas known by practically calling half of American citizens parasites,saying he doesn't care for them. Well, they didn't care for him. 3)Finally, the hypocrisy of calling on "Christian values" whilst denying them by wanting to deny help, support and medical care for the poor and the needy, and extolling greed and rich's selfishness. Earth to Mitt! Jesus said nothing about gays or contraception, and PLENTY about succoring the poor and the needy and condemning selfish greed and hypocrisy! OBAMA DESERVED TO WIN MITT ROMNEY DESERVED TO LOSE

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