Friday, November 16, 2012

Science fiction comics

I love Science Fiction comics!Those that explore Space and Time and the diversity of life in the Multiverse are among my favourites! I don't like all those syper-hero stories, they mostly bore me. I prefer classic, spacefaring SF Like Jeff Hawke
English humour and daring imagination! A classic, indeed! Another classic: Moebius
His surrealism, the beauty of his drawins, his works like Incal, le Garage Hermetique,Arzach continue to inspire me. Also magnificent is Planetary by Warren Ellis: non conventional, anri-super heroes!
And now to the wonderfully humorous: The alas late Bonvi's Storie dello Spazio Profondo
And thhere is, By Mezieres and Christin, the wonderful series of Valerian and Laureline, great space-faring couple!
I advise you to ead them all!

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