Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Advices to web surfers

Beware the word "free". If it is "free" but they ask you the number of your credit card, you will surely have to pay something, sooner or later. Watch out for the small print.

Often the download is free, but if you want an application fully functional, you have to pa,. And watch out for hidden costs. Some sites, enclose to the "free" download spyware and malware. Go only on trusted sites, possibly with non-virtual address.

Casino online: the higher the bonus to enter, the highest the probability that you will lose everything after a few plays. In any case, sooner or later you'll lose.Stay away from casinos: online, offline, it does not matter. .. Great opportunity to win for the dealer, not for you.

An e-mail that calls you "Dear Customer" and it urges the details of your account and password for unspecified "testing"? Report as SPAM!

The same is true of letters from total strangers and unsolicited attachments.

Finally, it is at least unlikely that you have been chosen to receive the inheritance of a Uruguayan billionaire tycoon, and that to have it you'll only have to give your bank account's data...

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