Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fake Identities

The syrian gay blogger Amina was a fake: the author of her blog was an american "student" residing in Edimbourg who wrote all the posts and who stole a photo on Facebook to give a face to the imaginary girl.
Stealing and inventing identities should be discouraged:the "Copy" function shoud be disabled on profile photos, and the nationality of the blogger verified through IP. If one claims to write from El Cairo, but his/her IP shows he-she is constantly writing from, say, Austin, Texas, that should lead to an investigation.Identity stealing and faking should be legally sanctioned, and the perpetrator at least suspended from the Web, and banned in case of multiple offenses.
Faking destroys trust, and in this case cast doubts on true human rights dramatic situations.It should NOT be taken lightly.
Mac Master, the idiot author of the hoax apologizes on the blog and says that "he never meant to hurt anyone". What the cretin thought he was doing, exploiting another nation's tragedy to make an hoax? How many cases of bloggers truly existing and truly in trouble will be passed over due to this imbecile's hoax?

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