Monday, May 9, 2011

“He was really a nice guy. He went to church and everything.”


Category: Crime • Evil
Posted on: May 9, 2011 11:38 AM, by PZ Myers

Those are ominous words. Brian and Shannon Gore have been arrested after police, investigating evidence that Shannon Gore had been selling stolen goods, found their 5 or 6 year old daughter caged in their trailer home, gnawing on her own skin.

Then they found the body of another child buried under a shed.

Fine upstanding members of the Christian community, they are.

I don't consider every Christian to be a child-torturing murderer, but one thing I wish we could get across is that church attendance has nothing to do with morality or ethical behavior or goodness of any kind. So why do so many people consider a weekly session with a deranged, delusional ranter in a pulpit to be a seal of approval?

BIN lADEN, Mugabe, Members of the mafia are all very religious persons

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