Wednesday, April 6, 2011

WHEEW!! What a day!

Employees who work with computers must have an eye medical visit every few years. OK, I suppose it is good that they worry about
our health. But the doctor who examined me is a fool. Since they could not see
well at the bottom of my pupils that shrink when hit with a bright light (I would like to see theirs) gave me a massive dose of ATHROPINE in the eyes to freeze my pupils open. I
say, Athropine is poisonous. Just one dose just a bit too strong and you're in the arms of Jesus
Now, as I got back to work I saw all suffused in a halo of light, as if I were in
Paradise-but it was not at all pleasant. I was sick. I more or less managed to return
to work and do something . But, guys, I thought of dying. Isn't there an episode of Columbo where a doctor kills
someone with atropine? Well, I felt as the victim in that episode. I felt like I escaped from
an assassination attempt. The next time you know what I'll tell the girls of Medical Surveillance? If some problem should arise, I let you know.

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