Thursday, January 13, 2011

Psychotic hate should not have voice

Keep Hateful Westboro Baptist Church Off the Air

Dear GLAAD Supporter,

Balance not BiasTwo radio stations (one in Arizona, one in Canada) have agreed to give airtime to the viciously anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church, in exchange for Fred Phelps and his family agreeing not to show up at the funeral of the nine-year-old girl killed in last weekend's shooting. This type of exchange rewards the Phelps family for 20 years of vile and hateful rhetoric aimed at suffering families, from the parents of hate crime victims to the loved ones of fallen soldiers. The Phelps family should not be negotiated with - and they certainly should not be encouraged.

Make your voice heard. Tell KXXT-AM and CFNY-FM that rewarding hateful behavior doesn't work and to rescind their offer to give the Westboro Baptist Church airtime.

Take Action Now

My dog has more reason to call himself "Christian" than those human trash at Westboro baptist Church

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