Friday, March 5, 2010

Good News For Gay Marriage In Mexico And Washington

Posted by: am1am2 on: March 5, 2010

* In: Mack| Morning Quickie

It’s good news this week for gay couples wishing to marry with both Mexico City and Washington DC passing laws that allow gay marriage.

Although these marriages are now legally recognised, homophobia still abounds in these cities, gay and lesbians are still discriminated against, and people worry of the possibility that these laws will soon be reversed as they were in California.

Mexico City’s passing of the law is monumental because it is “one of the first capitals in Latin America to fully recognise gay marriages”.

In fact, Mexico City is becoming known as a “liberal and progressive island” in this Catholic country with its recent passing of laws on abortion and euthanasia.

But Mexico is a Catholic country and the church is not recognising these new laws. Also in Washington religious and conservative groups are actively protesting this move.

“This is the last generation. This nation’s destruction is imminent and they did it to themselves,” said anti-gay activist Shirley Phelps-Roper, who travelled to Washington from Kansas to protest against the decision.

The last generation of what I ask? Surely this woman doesn’t think that there are so many gay people that the human race will cease to produce children and die out within a few decades.

If it does, at least we will be rid of extremists like Shirley. I much prefer a world of happily married gay couples than that of straight conservative extremists.

I hope more and more countries and cities follow this and one day gay marriage will be a non-issue. Everybody has the right to love and happiness through marriage and it’s against human rights to deny this.

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