Wednesday, December 2, 2009

A gay christian pondering

Who is near Jesus?

Jesus is looking wistfully at the Earth. Soon it will be his Birthday.
He asks, why?
Next to Him are the victims of hate and selfishness.
Next to Him is Martin Luther King
Next to Him is Gandhi
Next to Him are the victims of the blasphemous suicide murderers that insult the Holy Name of God by claiming they kill innocents in His name, and that they will gain Heaven this way.
They won't.
Next to him is Matthew Shepard, the boy crucified by two homophobes because he was gay.
Haters insult the name of God claiming that God hates homosexuals and that the innocent Matthew Sheperd is in hell.
They won't find him there.
Matthew Sheperd, in Paradise and near to Jesus, prays for his murderers and for those blasphemers' souls.
Next to Jesus are all Beslan's children, and all children died from hunger, malnourishment, exploitation, illness, all those children who have suffered from the cruelty,violence, hatred, selfishness and injustice of men.
Jesus thinks, will they remember me?
Will He be in the minds of men and women, or they will think only of the next ultimate multifunctions cell phone they want for Christmas?
Will He indeed?

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