Thursday, November 12, 2009

Who invented the Big Brother rigmarole?

Ten schmendricks in a cage
are going to dine
one started a food fight
And then there were nine

Nine morons in a cage
experts in deceits
One tricked a time too many
And then there were eight

Eight dweebs in a cage
trying to get even
One was caught whit another's beau
And then there were seven

Seven losers in a cage
whose social skills are nix;
one utter'd a racial slur
and then there were six

Six idiots in a cage
trying to survive
one fell in the poison ivy
and then there were five

Five dimwits in a cage
with questionable mores
one xxxed in big brother's eye
and then there were four

Four dumbells in a cage
who clearly won't agree
one won't play no more
and then there were three

Three clowns in a cage
one down with the flu
soon was evicted
and then there were two

Two lovebirds in a cage
got out of the home
they got a fat contract
and then there were none

(till the next Big Brother's that is)

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