Thursday, June 4, 2009

Why to be islamophobic


Exposing the Islamophobes

“Nothing in our faith says it’s OK to kill anyone.”
(Ahmed Bedier of the Council on American-Islamic Relations)

"Slay the unbelievers wherever ye find them..."
(The 'Holy' Qur'an, Verse 9:5)

Islamophobe (is-slahm-o-fohb) - A non-Muslim who knows more than they are supposed to about Islam.

Islamophobia is a fear of losing life or liberty to Islamic rule merely because the laws, sacred texts, and modern practices of Islam demand the submission of culture, politics, religion and all social expression. It tends to afflict those most familiar with the religion, while sparing the more gullible.

In Muhammad's day, Islamophobia was treated with a practice known as beheading. Since this is now impractical outside of the Muslim world, the condition is best addressed by means of prevention. Such preventive measures include willful ignorance - which is best assisted with a strong dose of taqiyya.

The fact is that when Islam checks in, a lot of folks wind up checking out... permanently. Therefore Islamophobes are a pretty broad group.

Islamophobes include:

Hindus, Christians, and Jews who don’t want to be forced into a political system in which they are treated as third-class citizens. (Islamic teaching)

Atheists who want the freedom to live openly as such and publicly challenge religious orthodoxy. (Islamic teaching)

Women who don’t want to be draped in black bags. (Islamic teaching)

Heterosexual males who don’t want to see women draped in black bags. (Islamic teaching)

Drinkers (this one's important). (Islamic teaching)

Artists (not quite as important). (Islamic teaching)

Homosexuals who don’t want to be beaten to death. (Islamic teaching)

Anyone else who believes that consenting adults should not be killed or tortured over sexual practices. (Islamic teaching)

Liberals who don’t believe that cultural and moral values should be established by a state-sponsored religion. (Get past The Religion Barrier, for god's sake)

Dog lovers. (Islamic teaching).

Mothers who don’t want their daughters killed over a man’s “honor.” (Islamic teaching)

Intellectuals who value freedom of conscience and public dissent. (Islamic teaching)

Feminists who believe that women should not be made subordinate to men by a religion which openly insists that females are the intellectual and legal inferior of males. (Islamic teaching)

Anyone else who objects to a religion in which a woman’s identity is defined by her relationship to a man. (Islamic teaching)

The left-handed (Islamic teaching).

Conservatives who believe in preserving the Western heritage responsible for the civil freedom, political liberty and economic success which has attracted the flood of immigrants from Muslim nations, where such values are conspicuously lacking. (Islamic teaching)

Muslims who would like the freedom to leave Islam. (Islamic teaching)

And many more...

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