Sunday, May 10, 2009

What have alien species in common with us?

Different from us as can be, an alien intelligent species (expecially if technological) should have
-Receptors for electromagnetic waves (eyes). It can see infrared or ultra-violet, but very probably it has eyes
-Receptors for sound wavs (ears). Always useful, they can be in any shape and position
-Means of communication. Communication by ultrasounds, ecolocation, flashes of color and smell emtted have been postulated. But sound waves are probable.
- A brain that processes informations from the senses (eyes, ears, chemical receptors, electricity, temperature, pressure, all you can think) and coordinates action.
-Means for manipulating objects. Any numbe of fingers, retractile tendrils,tentacles, they should be able to handle objects. Many SF stories imagine energy or telepathic beings tat control creatures who have hands. Improbable.
-Means of locomotions, I.E. legs and feet, any number, though more than three will be a nuisance.
So they will resemble us? Not at all! A Tripod, saay,with three eyes, three series of appendages abd three heads with am abdominal brain will be very different from ours. But some basic features it will share with us.

It can reproduce sexually or asexually. It can be hermaphrodite or they may have up to three sexes. Why up to three? Well,it's difficult for two mates to encounter, still harder for three. Imagine four! No, Three sexes is probably the limit.

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