Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Shame to the church

I say that the catholic church should stop preoccupying itself so much of:
1) embryos (presumed "human beings"),
2) unwanted fetuses (A nine year old baby raped by a criminally perverted stepfather gets pregnant.Medics that interrupt a pregnancy that would only result in the death of the poor child gets excommunicated by an uncharitable, inhuman, UNCHRISTIAN church. The criminal rapist is arrested, but the church doesn't excommunicate HIM. Oh, yeah, the Church cares for child rapists and molesters, does it not? With so many of them in their ranks)
3) Human beings in coma or persistent vegetative state. Their so called "life" without any consciousness sholud be preserved at all costs,

whilst not giving a damn for the suffering of conscious, suffering children molested or raped by clergy. raped women, persecuted homosexuals (the refusal of the church to sign the petition for decriminalization of homosexuality is a MORTAL BLEMISH on the Vatican!), persons suffering from illnesses that could be cured through stem cell research. Or ome has to have no brain to elicit compassion from the Vatcan?

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