Sunday, March 15, 2009

Imagine there is a God who created the Universe

Do you think He would be concerned in sexual activities between consenting adults on Earth or on the Planet Qwerty of the Galaxy XYZ, for that matter?

Do you think He'll be sharing human defects and paranoias, like homophobia, to the point of sending hurricanes and tsunamis killing innocent people in droves to punish societies who "tolerate homosexuality"?

Do you think He'll reward with virgins to rape at leisure fanatics who kills themselves and many innocents in name of a demented faith?

Do you think He'll plague with calamities a perfectly decent man in order to win a bet with the devil that poor Job wouldn't blaspheme him?

Do you think he'll endorse wars, jihads, crusades, witch huntings, inquisitions, fatwas to kill, in His Holy Name?


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