Wednesday, March 25, 2009

I hold this to be true;

I hold this to be true:
That Our Lord Jesus Christ *never* condemned sexuality, be it hetero or homosexuality, nor did He "hate" anyone, having even prayed for those that crucified him;
That Jesus message is a message of Love, Mercy, and urges us to help and assist the suffering and the hungry, wanting Charity, not sacrifice;
That the condemnation of sexuality made later by Paul and successors is a fabrication completely inessential to the message of Jesus;
That Paul words aren't to be considered valid, because Paul did not knew Jesus, and never cites his words as they are reported in his Gospels;
That sexuality is a gift of God and is good in essence, wen used to express love between human beings, regardless of sex, and that becomes not good only when the pursuit of sexual satisfaction is made whiteout consideration for the rights and well-being of partners;
That thinking otherwise, condemning harmless variations on human sexuality like homosexuality is just plain wrong, and absolutely not inherent to the core of Christian faith. One can be Christian without considering sexuality, be it hetero or homosexuality, as a sin.

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