Thursday, March 5, 2009

Debunking the bible 1) Sodom myth is not about homosexuality

The story of Sodom is an old mythic tale about the breach of hospitality laws and rape.It is narrated in an almost identical form in Judges, where rthe city is Gabaon, not Sodom,a city whose storicity is uncertain.Sodom received the visit of two cherubs (who were often depicted as winged bulls) who were Lot's guests. The Sodomites wanted to gang rape the "angels" Lot offered them his tweo daughters, ever the loving father (would he have offered his daughters if the sodomites were homosexuals?). The gang-rapists wanted exotic neat and refused. Later, the angels blasted Sodom, city of rapists and inhospitable people. Homosexuality between consenting adults never enters in this ugly myth.

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