I can't believe this lump of shit is a school board member. From artistry of Male

School Official Wants Gays Dead

Arkansas school board member Clint McCance believes "queers" and "fags" should kill themselves — that is, if they don't get AIDS and die first.

By Neal Broverman (Source) from The Advocate

While schools across the country are taking action against bullying and suicide, a board member of an Arkansas school district is using his Facebook page to encourage "queers" and "fags" to kill themselves.

Clint McCance is a board member in the Midland school district in northern Arkansas. Responding to a call to wear purple last Wednesday to support LGBT youth, McCance wrote the following message on his Facebook page: "Seriously they want me to wear purple because five queers killed themselves. The only way im wearin it for them is if they all commit suicide. I cant believe the people of this world have gotten this stupid. We are honoring the fact that they sinned and killed thereselves because of their sin. REALLY PEOPLE."

Initially, six people "liked" McCance's message. He also received supportive comments, though some challenged his statement. A commenter wrote, "Because hatred is always right." That led McCance to write, "No because being a fag doesn't give you the right to ruin the rest of our lives. If you get easily offended by being called a fag then dont tell anyone you are a fag. Keep that shit to yourself. I dont care how people decide to live their lives. They dont bother me if they keep it to thereselves. It pisses me off though that we make a special purple fag day for them. I like that fags cant procreate. I also enjoy the fact that they often give each other aids and die. If you arent against it, you might as well be for it."


McCance responded with, "I would disown my kids if they were gay. They will not be welcome at my home or in my vicinity. I will absolutely run them off. Of course my kids will know better. My kids will have solid christian beliefs. See it infects everyone."

It's not clear if McCance has taken down the thread, since his Facebook page is private — the messages were made available to The Advocate via a forwarded screen capture. The superintendent of the Midland school district was unavailable and a phone call to the principal of the Midland High School was not returned. There was no response to e-mails to the superintendent and to the secretary of the Midland school board.
"Clint McCance has put a face on the hate that devastates our young people," says Human Rights Campaign president Joe Solmonese. "McCance shouldn't be allowed near children, let alone managing their education. We call for his immediate resignation from the school board."


I don't like bringing stories like this to AOM but this was so awful I felt it was important. If you feel so inclined, I urge you to sign the petition above. We need to take a stand against bullies wherever they spout their hatred.

Even though there is hatred and intolerance in our world, let us continue to carry the banner for Peace and Love. AOM

If this is a "Christian". a shocking article from "Joe my God" Blog

Tony Perkins: Gay Kids Kill Themselves Because They Know They're Abnormal

Tony Perkins appeared on NPR today to declare that the rate of suicides among LGBT youths is so high because those kids know they are freaks. And not because they're taught every day of their hopeless lives that God hates them. Via Right Wing Watch:

Tony Perkins, president of the evangelical Family Research Council, says gay activists are exploiting the concern over bullying — and twisting the facts. "There's no correlation between inacceptance of homosexuality and depression and suicide," he says. Rather, Perkins says, there is another factor that leads kids to kill themselves. "These young people who identify as gay or lesbian, we know from the social science that they have a higher propensity to depression or suicide because of that internal conflict." Homosexuality is "abnormal," he says, and kids know it, which leads them to despair.

Repulsive and typically full of Christianist love. But what the FUCK was NPR doing hosting Tony Perkins? Do they bring on the KKK to discuss affirmative action? Would they give airtime to Faisal Shahzad to provide an opposing view on the political value of car bombs? Tony Perkins and the Family Research Council are spending millions of dollars every fucking month to enable the murders and suicides of LGBT Americans. What about that is unclear to NPR?

It's only me or hose homophobic excrements are all the opposite a "christian" is supposed to be? Jesus taught love. acceptance, charity. Those base intestinal worms like Tony Perkins (may he rot in hell) are absolutely whitout the most elementary charity, feel no pity about the tragedy of those poor youths, God bless their souls, and can only utter words of hate. That's the conundrum:
1) If this is what being a "Christian" entails, I won't be a "Christian" anymore;
2) If this isn't , as anyone who reads the Gospels can see, those are blaspheming Jesus by calling themselves "Christians"
What option is right? You decide

Monday, October 25, 2010

Most distant galaxy ever found sheds light on infant cosmos


Object allows astronomers a glimpse of Universe's era of 'reionization'.

Zeeya Merali
Galaxy UDFy-38135539Light from a distant galaxy has provided a snapshot of the early universe.ESO/L. Calçada

Observations of the most distant object yet discovered go a long way in supporting astronomers' models of the early Universe. But the far-flung galaxy, details of which are published in Nature today1, also raises questions about the source of the first light in the cosmos.

Light from the galaxy, named UDFy-38135539, left the object just 600 million years after the Big Bang, giving a snapshot of the cosmos in its infancy. This value smashes the previous record held by a galaxy by 150 million years2. The image shows the galaxy as it was when it was around 100 million years old and is just 1-10% of the mass of the Milky Way.

The galaxy is particularly fascinating because, 600 million years after the Big Bang, the Universe was thought to be going through a phase called reionization. However, there has been little direct observational evidence for this, says astronomer Matt Lehnert at the Paris Observatory in France, who led the team involved in the study. According to astronomers' best models, the early Universe burst out of the Big Bang around 13 billion years ago as an ionized fireball. This ball of gas gradually cooled, becoming neutral as protons and electrons combined to form hydrogen. "Then stars and galaxies began to form, lighting up the Universe, heating up the gas and reionizing it," says Lehnert. "This galaxy allows us to peek at the reionization era."
At the limit

The first hint of the galaxy's existence came when astronomers scrutinized a near-infrared image taken by the Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field Camera and saw "a faint blob", says Lehnert3. To confirm its distance, Lehnert and his colleagues searched for a characteristic signature, called the Lyman-α line, that is seen in the spectrum of light emitted by galaxies. The Lyman-α line is produced as electrons move between two energy levels in a hydrogen atom. The wavelength of the light is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum by an amount that is related to the motion and distance of the source from which it is emitted. As this 'redshift' is greater the older the object being observed, it allows astronomers to calculate an object's age. Using the ground-based Very Large Telescope in Paranal, Chile, the team detected the line, and calculated that it had a redshift of 8.55, indicating that the light had set out 600 million years after the Big Bang.

“They are really pushing the instrumentation to its limit.”

James Dunlop, an astronomer at the University of Edinburgh, UK, who was part of the team that found the galaxy candidate in the Hubble data, says the result is "exciting, if proved correct". But he adds that it is also "slightly controversial" because it is based on the discovery of just one spectral line, making it tough to establish that this is not just an artefact of the measuring process. "They are really pushing the instrumentation to its limit," says Dunlop.

Lehnert emphasizes that the team took pains to rule out the possibility that the line was caused by background contamination from molecules in Earth's atmosphere. "It took months for us to convince ourselves that this is real," he says.
Strong signal

The galaxy seems to confirm astronomers' models of the early Universe, which predict that young galaxies were responsible for reionization around 600 million years after the Big Bang4, says Martin Haehnelt, a cosmologist at the University of Cambridge, UK. But he notes that typical galaxies do not produce Lyman-α lines that are as strong as the one seen by Lehnert's group, making the finding puzzling.

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Lehnert's team argues that the line may be unusually strong because there are additional, as yet undetected, galaxies surrounding the newly discovered one, giving it a helping hand in reionization. "This could help explain it, but even then, the strength is still surprisingly large," says Haehnelt. "This is a very nice result, but it is important to be cautious about it."

It will be difficult to investigate the galaxy further using ground-based telescopes, as the data will be contaminated by 'noise' from Earth's atmosphere. However, the James Webb Space Telescope, due to launch in 2015, will train its spectrographic instruments on this region, in an effort to delve even further back into the Universe's infancy. It will also help astronomers to unpick the puzzle of the strength of the Lyman-α line, by revealing exactly what kind of galaxies are responsible for reionization, says Dunlop. "This is the sort of galactic archaeology that the next generation of telescopes will be able to do," he adds.