Monday, April 6, 2009

From the blog "Bill in Exile" Minorities should be the least bigoted against other minorities, right? think again...
Dear Scott,

Did you see that Michael Richards tirade on TV today? Holy shit! Is that guy off his meds or what? I particularly liked the part where he screamed "Nigga, Nigga, Nigga" at the black hecklers in the audience in a faux British accent. What do you suppose that was meant to signify?

Anyway, there was a huge discussion about the event here amongst the Hoople Heads and brothers with the Hooples taking the position that it wasn't prejudiced because Richards is a Jew and members of minorities can't be prejudiced against other minorities. Can you fucking believe? I'm telling you I just about choked at that little bit of jaw droppingly stupid social theorizing.

The brothers of the Nation of Islam and the home boys of course took exactly the opposite view going to the extreme and even espousing their current favorite theory that EVERYONE is prejudiced against blacks even if they may not be prejudiced against other minorities and because of this condition blacks therefore, are the ONLY minority group with an inherent right to be prejudiced against anyone else they may choose to dislike.

This argument was made with a completely straight face when I raised the point that of all the "oppressed minorities" blacks are historically the most virulently homophobic even to the point of hating fags more than they hate whitey. Which, as I pointed out is interesting given that us fags come in all hues and colors and have really never done anything bad or oppressive toward blacks other than to simply try to exist peacefully.

Of course, that was met with sputtering rage and comments about disgusting butt sex and unnatural lifestyles that didn't contribute anything toward the propagation of the species which is, in their opinion,the most important reason for being. At that I turned to the group of black inmates most vocally making this argument as we sat in the TV lounge and said,

"Well, why should us fags worry about propagating the species when we've got young black men like you making babies and then abandoning them and their mothers because you're too fucking shiftless to step up and be responsible for the kids that you bring into the world?"

So now I'm worried that the Nation of Islam boys have a contract out on me and if they weren't such a bunch of shit talking pussies I'd really be worried. All the same Scott, if you don't hear from me in a week or two you'll know that I got shanked in the shower.



I'm consoling myself thinking that Ckretta King endorsed our cause.

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